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 Safer School Task Force and Inter-agency Agreements of New Hanover County Schools

This website includes the most recent Safer School Task Report, Inter-Agency Agreements and data on school impacts.. Older agreements and information on their development and data can be found at:



After the Sandy Hook tragedy, District Attorney Ben David convened an interdisciplinary task force to develop a plan to make schools safer and to promote the success of every young person in the Wilmington NC region (New Hanover County and surrounding areas).The Safer Schools Task Force met throughout 2013 and produced the Safer Schools Task Force Report (December 2013). This report helped to drive several initiatives since then. One major initiative was the Inter-agency Governance Agreement On the Handling of School Offenses (signed November 2015). The second was another an Inter-agency Agreement for the Misdemeanor Diversion Program (adopted September 2016). The documents were updated since then (Safer School Task Force Report, 2018; Inter-Agency Agreement, 2019) and work has been conducted to continually improve the safety of our schools for all students.


 Who are we?
The lead on these projects is Chief Judge Jay Corpening ( These webpages are maintained by Dr. Janna Robertson ( who is the university researcher (UNCW). We are indebted to the many members of the team and groups that continue to work to improve the policies, practices, and lives of the youth who reside in New Hanover County. The teams included leaders from the schools, law enforcement, mental health, social services, local government, and the community.


Latest Update: January 2020

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